Crestbridge Fiduciary was delighted to participate in two insightful industry events this month.
On May 14, Darrell King and Betty Andrikopoulos attended the Institute for Family Governance New York annual conference. The program explored a number of areas, including issues and opportunities that may arise when a family business is owned by a trust and the critical roles of communication and education. Attendees also examined the complexities and sensitivities of bringing family controlled public companies into line with family values and heard from both family members and third-party experts on their approach to the management of effective intergenerational transitions; Betty Andrikopoulos featured in the panel discussion, "Why are Inter-Generational Transitions so Difficult?”.
Crestbridge Fiduciary was also pleased to sponsor the inaugural STEP Texas conference on May 15, with Darrell King and Paul Hunter participating. Program topics included domestic cross-border planning, with attendees engaging in a spirited case study discussion involving a multi-jurisdictional family’s need for advisors to develop a plan that would be effective across three countries. Finally, a former IRS agent, now a litigator in private practice, shared difficulties with IRS assessment and collection operations and the challenges faced by wealthy families when seeking redress.
We extend our thanks to the respective organisers for two engaging and well executed events.