Steve Sokić discusses Family Wealth Strategies at Private Client Forum Americas.

March 18, 2025

On behalf of Crestbridge Fiduciary, Steve Sokić participated in the elite Private Client Forum Americas 2025 conference in Mexico from March 12-14. 

The conference, 'Shaping the Future of Private Wealth', brought together a breadth of global industry leaders to examine and debate the most pressing issues facing UHNW clients and their family offices.

As part of a wide-ranging panel discussion about ‘Tailoring Family Wealth Strategies’ focused on jurisdiction selection and attributes, Steve joined three other industry leaders including, Jennifer Jordan Mccall from Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman, Alessandro Bavila from Maisto e Associati and Gilberto Arosemena C. from Infante & Pérez Almillano. 

Steve set the framework for the jurisdictional selection discussion with a brief overview of common jurisdictional categorizations including the growing preference of 'mid-shore' jurisdictions like the US. He then articulated a number of objective and subjective criteria all wrapped up in a balanced scorecard-based framework, a very useful tool in theory and in practice in arriving at reasoned jurisdictional decision.

Steve commented, "This was an extremely worthwhile and well evidenced discussion, exploring an often overlooked industry topic, at a more deeper, balanced and objective level. We are increasingly approached by families and their advisors wishing to ensure the strongest but flexible foundations for their future, and the panel discussion certainly surfaced some invaluable insights and perspectives."

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